Author: steph1024


I was first introduced to Merton’s strain theory in a class about deviance last semester. The ideology that societal structure and strain from injustice in the system can lead an individual astray from the path of social norms intrigues me. When first thinking about this assignment I didn’t really know where to start, how I would come up with an artifact that would capture a theory discussed in class. However, as I read the text and kept the assignment in mind I decided I would discuss strain theory. As I began refreshing my memory about the different concepts Merton focuses on, I realized there was one popular character I wanted to discuss.
According, to Merton there are four types of individuals that can come about due to the strain felt in their society, these include the conformist, ritualist, innovator, retreatist, and the rebel. The character I have chosen resembles Merton’s rebel. A rebel both rejects the means and goals of their society. What makes them different from the retreatist is that the rebel wants to implement new means and goals for their society. A rebel wants a rebellion.

I have chosen to discuss the popular Katniss Everdeen of the Hunger Games trilogy. Katniss lives in a society in which the goal is supposed to be to survive on what the government provides, go to “the games,” win, and come home to support your family. The goal is meant to maintain the hierarchy structure of this society. The means by which an individual is to obtain these goals is to put your name in multiple times to obtain a little more food for your family and if chosen to participate in the games kill everyone who has been chosen.

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Spoiler alert: For those of you who may not have seen or read the trilogy, Katniss does not like to follow the rules and disagrees with the whole structure of her society. Katniss hunts on land she is prohibited to enter. After her younger sister is called to participate in the games, she volunteers. During the games she is faced with the decision to kill Peeta, the boy who saved her in a time of need. They choose to instead kill themselves together and change the rules of the game. Together, they survive the games and go home. Later in the trilogy, Katniss is the leader of a movement to overthrow the Capitol in hopes of providing a better future for her people. Katniss wants a society without the games and with a better means of survival. As Merton described, Katniss rejects the current goals and means of her society. She then chooses to lead her people in the rebellion.